My Research Interests
My research focuses include sexual offending, collateral consequences of public policy, perceptions of forensic science, and qualitative methods. Her recent research focuses on the impact of sex offender legislation on the lives of registered citizens and their family members, including the experiencing of economic and marital strain, social support, and reintegration concerns. I have testified in front of the Texas House Committee on Urban Affairs (HB 387, 2017) and the Nebraska Judiciary Committee (LB 290, 2015) based on my research in this area. My research has been published in Criminal Justice Policy Review, Criminal Justice Studies, American Journal of Criminal Justice, and Criminal Justice Review.
Research Mentoring Experience
As the Research Methods professor for the Criminal Justice program at UT Tyler, I oversee research projects for both undergraduate and graduate students. I have also worked as a Faculty Mentor for the Honor’s Program. I have provided examples of my student’s research projects on the Graduate Student Project and Undergraduate Student Projects.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
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